The Danish Shortwave Club International

EDXC conference in Königstein
15th - 17th August 2003
Pictures taken by Toshi Ohtake and Anker Petersen

Click on photo to see it in full resolution. 

Anker and Robert Kipp won in Andy's contest

George Brown won in Andy's contest

At the DW monitoring station Bockhacken: Edward Dunne, Ireland, Kaj Bredahl Jørgensen, mr. Winking and Anker Petersen

At the DW monitoring station Bockhacken: Fernandez Cesar and his mother Maria Cesar, Mexico, Anker Petersen and Kaj Bredahl Jørgensen, Denmark and Mr. Winking employed at the monitoring station (from left)

full report
The full conference report by DSWCI chairman Anker Petersen is available in the member area.
members only

edxc 2002
Photos of ECXC conference 2002 in Pori, Finland, are still available. Click here.

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