THE DOMESTIC BROADCASTING SURVEY (DBS) edited by DSWCI Chairman, Anker Petersen |
The DSWCI Tropical Bands Monitor (TBM) is a register of all active broadcasting
stations on 2300 - 5700 kHz as heard and reported by Dxers somewhere in the world,
listed month by month. It is a supplement to the Domestic Broadcasting Survey (DBS).
DSWCI Tropical Bands Monitor for the past calendar year can be downloaded for free by
The TBM will be updated each month and thus be up-to-date and available for
your download whenever you wish to listen to the Tropical Bands! All owners of the latest
edition of the DBS get a special user name and password which give access to the
current updated version.
When you have had a chance to use it, please tell me, if this is of any use for you.
Best 73,
Anker Petersen
Chairman DSWCI
TBM Editor |