The Danish Shortwave Club International

DSWCI Special Articles - Political Hotspots

The present status of the rebuilt R TV Afghanistan
via New Zealand Radio DX League Member working for  UN Department in Kabul, February, 2004

by Anker Petersen, DSWCI 
Shortwave schedules in UTC for the A03 period.  All stations have been monitored in June 2003 except when mentioned otherwise. Thank you to our members Bjarke Vestesen and Nader Javaheri for valuable assistance.
Copyright article. Reproduction is only allowed after obtaining the permission of the author and the DSWCI.


Text of editorial analysis by Peter Feuilherade of BBC Monitoring Media Services on 28 February 2003

News in English about Iraq
During the present Iraq crisis you might be interested in listening to the news in English from various stations on SW and MW, and thereby select your own news sources.
Here are the newscast frequencies I am able to hear right now in Denmark. At least on one of the frequencies the reception is good. Other members may be able to use this list, particularly in Europe.

IRAQ as DX-Target